Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Hunting rabbits
We had a little picnic at the park on Sunday night and while we were eating this rabbit stopped by to say hi. He didn't seem the least bit concerned by us and Jayce got to get pretty close to him.

Monday, July 30, 2007


Zipping along

Sunday, July 29, 2007


One of our co-workers recently travelled to India and his wife brought me back these beautiful outfits for J & M.

Friday, July 27, 2007


And one more because I just can't help myself.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Aren't they just the cutest?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Portrait of a young baseball fan

We took the kids to a minor league baseball game tonight. Jayce, who usually has the attention span of a gnat, can sit and watch a baseball game just like his dad. And I left the cotton candy on his face as part of the whole experience.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007



Maggie climbed the playground at Chick-fil-a on Saturday. She's so different from Jayce at this age - so fearless and agile. I had no idea how lucky I was that Jayce was not a climber.

I edited this photo last night and got it all ready to post then promptly went to bed so I'm posting it on 7/25.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I did a session on Sunday for a friend who has twin 3-year-old girls. This pose was her idea and I really love it. I like how the lines seem to suggest a heart shape.

Sunday, July 22, 2007



Thursday, July 19, 2007


When I grow up...

We decided to try a sandwich shop tonight called Firehouse Subs - I was just too cranky to cook and we had coupons. :) Jayce loved the place for no other reason than the kids meal came with a little fireman hat and the walls were covered in fireman stuff. Lucky for us the sandwiches weren't bad either.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007



Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Wants to be just like her big brother

Monday, July 16, 2007


See Food!

I was going through this blog the other day with some family members and I realized how many more pictures of Maggie I have than Jayce. It made me realize how much easier she is to photograph right now than her brother. He's just so 3 and this photo is a prime example of that. We recently watched the movie Flushed Away and the most memorable part to Jayce was learning the "see food" joke. Nice, huh?

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Sleeping Beauty

This was taken in the car tonight after a late night out visiting family. I mainly wanted to capture the way M sleeps with her arm up by her head because it reminds me of our trip to the 3D ultrasound and how in every picture she had her arm in front of her face. That and the ever-present baby doll are things that are just so Maggie.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Waiting on the rain

This was taken on July 4th while waiting for the local parade to come by. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and it was just a beautiful morning. About an hour later storm clouds moved in and it looked like the photo below. I think we've had one full day without rain this month. On Wednesday we had storms move through that took down fences and trees in our neighborhood and we lost power for 6 hours. Unbelievable weather for Texas in July.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Oh, the horror!

This was previously one of those soft playgrounds all the local malls seem to have these days. You just can not imagine the look on Jayce's face when he was presented with this on the same night that we skipped a baseball game due to rain.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Just Watching
ISO 400, f 2.8, ss 1/125, 28-75mm lens @ 37mm

Friday, July 6, 2007


Just a little sparkle
Tonight my brother and his wife brought their kids over and we took all the kids outside to play with our little collection of fireworks. We had sparklers, some disturbing worm things, chickens that shot sparks out of their backends, and smoke balls. Basically the goal was anything that didn't make a lot of noise since it isn't exactly legal to shoot fireworks in our neighborhood. The kids had a blast until the bird-sized mosquitos chased us all in.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Waiting impatiently

The kids really did the best they could while waiting 2 hours for a 20 minute fireworks show. Maggie spent a great deal of that time rolling around on the blanket and playing with shoes.
We made it home at about 11:15 last night so I did not get around to uploading a photo. To make up for that here are lots of photos for your viewing pleasure:

I think I found a slideshow that works - let's see.

If you want low quality images but with music click on this one:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Good, Clean Fun :)

Richard did participate in the pie-eating contest but he was kind of...um...lame... and the pics just aren't as entertaining.

Monday, July 2, 2007


Sibling sweetness

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Mad Hatter

We took the kids to some 4th of July festivities this weekend just daring the skies to dump huge amounts of water on us. Fortunately it only rained when we weren't out and about (well, except for Richard's golf game on Saturday). I'll be posting some of the shots from the weekend over the next few days.