Friday, January 19, 2007


ISO 400, ss 1/30, f 2.0, 50mm lens

Maggie is shoe obsessed and at 13 months I'm mildly concerned. She has just made the move up from soft-soled Robeez to "real shoes" and she demands that we put them on her at all times. And while there's an element of extreme cuteness to a little person throwing a little shoe at us, there is also a touch of the reality of what living with this little diva might mean.


Louisa said...

ha ha, thats funny...a baby diva!! Don't you just love the Robeez? Great pictures with real perspective, well done.

Miranda said...

Oh no, it's began!!
I love these photos, and the shoes rock!

Anonymous said...

lol...she has more shoes than me :)

Melissa Davis said...

Awe, little cute!

D said...

LOL! My little BOY was shoe obsessed at that age! Thankfully he outgrew it! Great shots!

heidi~r. said...

I know how you feel...I have a diva in training too! That is a great series of pictures to have...a way of looking back without having to hold on to all those shoes!

Amy (3 Peas) said...

Cute!! My DD is a shoegal too :)
My kids lived in Robeez until they were 2- they are the BEST!