Saturday, February 10, 2007


Happy Birthday Mom!
ISO 100, ss 1/60, f4.0, 24mm lens, bounced flash (when it fired)
Anytime I start thinking I want to be a portrait photographer I get roped into doing an impromptu photo shoot with results like this and I start to rethink that idea. Today's my mom's birthday and she wanted a pic of all of her grandchildren together. I think we're going to have to try again sometime - I'm just not that good at headswapping in Photoshop.


Amy (3 Peas) said...

lol good try though! It's hard to get that many kids to cooperate :)
Many next time try two rows- have the bigger kids hold some littler ones on their laps :)

heidi~r. said...

VEry cute! Looks like our house when we try to get group shots!